Tuesday 26 April 2011

25-Apr-2011 - Douglas Denny After Many Years Embroiled in UKIP Corruption ...

25-Apr-2011 - Douglas Denny After Many Years Embroiled in UKIP Corruption ...
Clean EUkip up NOW make UKIP electable! 
The corruption of EUkip’s leadership, 
their anti UKIP claque in POWER & the NEC 
is what gives the remaining 10% a bad name!
Douglas Denny After Many Years Embroiled in UKIP Corruption may find acting honestly and with any sense of honour and integrity to be a stp too far!!


I note with interest that Junius has picked up on the duplicity and the untrustworthy nature of Douglas Denny again - making very little consession for his apparent Damascine conversion where it seems the scales have fallen from his eyes and having been told to fundamentally go forth and multipy by his past idol Nigel Farage he has become very graphic in his condemnation of his past Master, who has for so long duped him and used him as his butt boy!

Little wonder that Denny, who is a weak and vitriolic fantasist on a good day would seem to be venting his frustration at being taken for a fool by Farage out on Farage.

Like Junius I incline to believe that misguidedly Denny will permit himself to be kicked into the long grass until after the election but I fear he will lack the competence to emerge and continue the exposure of the truth as the period of contemplation will remind him just how embroilled in the criminality and deceit he has let himself become.

Douglas Denny

So Douglas has finally seen the light! We have been made privy to an interesting series of emails between Douglas and Fuhrer Farage. Mr Denny is far from pleased that Farage failed to keep the NEC fully informed of certain details surrounding the EFD group. He is also deeply unhappy about Nigel's failure to account for large sums of money. Ouch! Nigel wrote back telling Douglas to basically get stuffed. It is expected that the emails will be published after May 5th.

Let us not forget that Mr Denny was SE regional treasurer at the time that £211,000'vanished' from the South East accounts. A similar sum was later payed into Nigel's bank account. What a coincidence! Time to do the decent thing, Douglas, and report Nigel to the nearest Police Station! .

Visit JUNIUS or CLICK HERE & enter "Douglas Denny" in the >SEARCH< box at the top of the Right SideBar for more factual revelations!

I wonder if Denny will ever have the integrity to apologise for his many lies about myself and my various blogs - many of which are set up in support of UKIP to TRY to Clean-Up and professionalise the party to make UKIP electable as a viable lifeboat for informed individual of integrity and honour - sadly I doubt it.

 INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance
Reclaim YOUR Future 
Write Upon Your Ballot Paper at EVERY election:
(IF You Have No INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance Candidate) .
to Reclaim YOUR Future 
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 01291 - 62 65 62